Thursday, July 30, 2009

Floor Lamp

I found this lamp in an auction last week, I think it will be a wonderful piece after I put some finishing touches on it. The gold part is all brass and the other parts are wood, it goes from floor to ceiling when is extended to put it on place. I probably recover the lamp shades with a nice fabric. Any other idea? ........


I was so fascinated to discover this miniature donkeys across the Valley in Lewistown, we traveled there on July 5 this year, and have a lot of fun driving around the country side.
Traditionally, the scientific name for the donkey is Equus asinus asinus based on the principle of priority used for scientific names of animals. A male donkey is called a jack, a female is a Jenny,and offspring less than one year old a foal. But the Spanish people will call this animals burros. They bring me memories of Platero the book we studied on the primary school:
"small donkey, a soft, hairy donkey: so soft to the touch that he might be said to be made of cotton, with no bones. Only the jet mirrors of his eyes are hard like two black crystal scarabs."
The little donkey remains a symbol of tenderness, purity and naivety.