Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Picture Box.

I got this Pictures Box on a sale two weeks ago. I'm looking for ways to transform it and give it that special touch. It is a nice wood box, but not sure if I want to leave it as it is. Just thinking!!!!!


Showing some of the Chrysanthemums or Mums i got for this season. The Chrysanthemums require good irrigation and can be maintained during the winter by watering them occasionally. I love these flowers, even though mine are still opening. They are plants which give much joy and are very common in this time of year.

Mostrandoles algunas de las plantas que he adquirido para esta temporada. Los Chrysanthemums requieren buen riego y pueden mantenerse durante el invierno si se les riega de vez en cuando. Me encantan estas flores, aunque las mias aun estan abriendose. Son plantas que dan mucha alegria y son muy comunes en esta epoca del ano.