Saturday, August 15, 2009

Decorative glass Jar.

Yes I know is not Christmas!! But I wanted to use a few napkins I had from past Christmas celebrations , I think they were really cool, and with the motivation in place, you know me. I started to look for options and then came across this empty glass jar, it works perfectly for my project. It took me like half an hour to completed using decoupage. This pepper is part of the few vegetables growing in our garden and it was ready for a salad.
The jar is very decorative, from plain to spectacular, one more ornament for the season to come.
Se que aun no es Navidad, pero queria aprovechar unas servilletas que quedaron de las celebraciones de navidad pasada. Y ya que estaba motivada a hacer alguna manualidad pues ustedes me conocen. Busque opciones y encontre este frasco de vidrio vacio, perfecto para mi projecto. Creo que me tomo como media hora para completar este decoupage. El pimenton que ven es parte de los vegetales que crecen ahora en mi jardin y aqui ya esta listo para la ensalada.
El frasco ahora es muy decorativo paso de ser simple a algo espectacular. Un ornamento mas para las festividades que vendran.

A Garden flag

I was looking for a flag to put in my garden spot, but unable to find a nice one I decided to created. As you know my passions for horses, I designed a template in paper and then transferred to fabric, after that it was easy to sew and finally I got a nice flag. I'm showing some of the plants that are growing there this year. We had already eat a few of the corn, and green papers as well other herbs for salad. Marvelous.
Estuve buscando una bandera para mi rinconcito en el jardin, pero no encontre algo que me gustara asi que me decidi a crearla yo misma. Como les conte antes me apasionan los caballos, dibuje un molde en papel y lo transferi a la tela. despues fue ya facil coserla y finalmente consegui una linda bandera. Les muestro ademas algunas de las plantas que crecen en el jardin este ano. Ya hemos comido algo de maiz pimentones y otras hierbas para ensaladas. Es maravilloso.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Wonder of Bird Feathers.

Walks to the pond sometimes were a unique experience, new people, animals, flowers, the short distance from home, is always exciting. Sometimes I found dry flowers, rocks, in this case feathers from the ducks, and birds that comes around, and I ended bring a few of them home hoping to start some new crafts ideas.
Feathers grow quickly. Once fully developed a feather is a dead matter like your finger nails, Feathers do not last for ever, they become worn and battered and are replaced regularly by the bird once or twice a year depending on species.Birds have good eyesight and colour is important to them. A bird gets its beautiful or cryptic coloration from its feathers.
I covered the feathers with different color threads and add a bead or two, when is ready it can be use for the hair, or as a key chain, or just as a decorative item.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Visiting a Spectacular Garden ...

Longwood Gardens, 1,050 acres with 20 indoor and 20 outdoor gardens, you’ll find beauty at every turn. We visited this magnificent place last Friday, it was an unforgettable experience. My mind keep going back, and I hope I can repeat the experience another time.
