Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I got this Hydrangea from Lowes and it was on sale for $2.00 dollars, it was only two leaves and it was dying all dry. This picture is two weeks later. And the next one is the actual size, a month later. I don't know what color it is either, let's hope it will be a nice blue or white one.

Wisteria and Lilacs.

Wisteria are vigorous, twining vines with wide landscape usage where space permits and gardeners are committed to keeping them in bounds like I do. Among their attributes are hardiness, vigor, longevity and the ability to climb high. They are greatly valued for their large, pendulous flower clusters that occur in the spring. Flowers are pea-like and may be white, pink, lilac-blue, bluish-purple or purple in color. The plant climbs by means of twining stems and has alternate, pinnately compound leaves. I got this one 3 years ago and is the first time is blooming.

Lilacs are small trees, we have a lot of them growing in the yard also, Aside from Roses, there is no flower as beautiful and aromatic as Lilacs. Of the two, Lilacs have a stronger scent that carries quite a distance. Unfortunately, Lilacs bloom for only a very brief couple weeks in the spring.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Progress in my Garden.

We planted some Ferns yesterday around the borders of the house, they like plenty water and shade. This is just the beginning, I hope I can keep update with more in the days ahead. Every Spring I try to dedicate a few hours before Sunset to see how I can improve the garden. I love gardening, is an scape to all the stress of work, and an extension of decorating a house. The exterior should be nice too. Give love to your garden and get wonderful results back.
This tree is magical, I can see it through my window, is spectacular now with this other background.

Tulips still blooming, Hyacinths, parsley, rose and a pine bush.

This pansies are happy here, they are in fact all red, but in this picture seems to be orange. There is another Rosemary plant growing along.

I think there is a Lemon Balm plant growing in the middle of this plants, you can also see one of my little mosaics (That was from last year)

The Lilac is all bloom, has an exquisite fragrance.

I love Wisterias, this one is having the first flowers. Never had flowers before.

Driving around Marietta's PA.

Friday April 24, was a sunny and nice day, we spent the afternoon meeting some friends in this town.Marietta is a Historic Place in Pennsylvania. In colonial days, Marietta was a Susquehanna River crossing known as "Anderson's Ferry". In their beginings many beautiful houses , Federal and Colonial and Victorian Styles were built. Some of them you can visit during the Holydays Candlelight Tour. I love to go on December, but the rest of the year people do all kind of decorations in the town.
In the way there you can admire the river and the 3 miles Islands. There are hiking trails, You can do a tour to the Furnace ruins, Antique places for shopping, lot of fun. We enjoyed buying plants in the way home.
There are a few more pictures, I will be posting them as soon as I can.