Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More of the Garden.

Yesterday was chilly but I manage to take some pictures of my clematis, daisies and Rhododendrons growing outside, the Clematis was a little more open, and I finally see results with my Daisies. I hope you like to see this every day changes.


  1. I strongly agree that our home is an important part of our lives and forms part of what gives us a sense of place. Feng Shui, properly applied can support us to make the most of our given environment so as to improve our wealth, health and happiness.

    However, there are many different so called ‘classical’ styles and it can be rather confusing so I wrote a book titled The Feng Shui Way. I draw this to your attention because it is unique in that it explains the basic premise (without the nonsense) behind each method and demystifies Feng Shui. More information is available at http://www.strategicbookpublishing.com/TheFengShuiWay.html

    If you have any questions I am most willing to offer my views on this topic.

  2. Thanks Juliana for the comments, Feng Shui is a very interesting topic. I personally had study Feng Shui for many years. Thanks for the link.
